Thursday, March 26, 2009


Deadly PC virus to strike on April 1. According to a security expert an Internet worm, called Conficker C, can strike at infected computers around the world on April 1.It is dubbed as the April fool's day worm can be nasty.

What is Conficker?
Conficker , also known as Downadup or Kido, is the latest super virus to spread around the Internet and has security experts in a panic. When last we checked, about a week ago, Conficker had already spread to 9 million PCs, with little sign of slowing. Now it has infected at least 10 million PCs and experts believe there may be up to 350 million vulnerable computers out there.

worm isn't just exploiting a networking hole, however; it features a sophisticated method of cracking administrator passwords, making it difficult to remove, and also copies itself to USB drives so that it can spread even when the online flaw is plugged.

Conficker is a complicated malware programme which might be already their in your PC.

This would hunt for new instructions on April 1. So no one knows exactly what will happen. The spread of the program is alarming, it is present in over 20 million PC's all over the globe. April 1 being the start of a new fiscal year is a perfect day to attack. This attack can be millions of spam emails to total crashing of the systems.

Conficker Growth Over 3 Weeks

Cross your fingers and just hope nothing happens to your system.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Deflation or Disinflation

Deflation is inflation below zero for a prolonged time. But how prolonged? Japan had inflation below zero for a decade so it is said to have deflation. In the indian context it is expected that the Q1 of 2010 would see zero inflation. Inflation is expected to rise after the quarter. This is just disinflation not deflation.

Is this good or bad? Inflation is Going to be below Zero for the first time in the history of Indian economy. In this time of slow down it should boost the demand, but as the key rates are well above the inflation figures the demand creation is abig doubt. with the essential commodity index still showing over 7% I doubt if the common man see the difference.

The good news is that with RBI set to reduce the ratees further by 50 or 100bps the demand might pick up. The domestic demand in India is enough to get the economy back on track.

Marketers around the globe are trying hard to sell, with the demand picking up marketers will be able to achieve the targets.